The Buried Pyramid

The Buried Pyramid is an unfinished step pyramid located in Saqqara, Egypt. It was built for the pharaoh Sekhemkhet of the Third Dynasty, but was never completed. The pyramid is only about 8 feet tall, and its original height was planned to be 70 feet.
The pyramid was discovered in 1952 by the Egyptian archaeologist Zakaria Goneim. The pyramid is surrounded by a large enclosure wall, and there are several mastaba tombs located nearby. The burial chamber of the pyramid is located underground, but it has never been excavated.
The cause of the pyramid's unfinished state is unknown. Some scholars believe that Sekhemkhet died before the pyramid could be completed, while others believe that the project was abandoned due to financial or political reasons. The Buried Pyramid is a significant archaeological site, and it provides valuable insights into the construction methods and burial practices of the Third Dynasty. However, the pyramid is still largely unexcavated, and its secrets remain to be discovered.
The pyramid is located in the Saqqara necropolis, which is also home to the Step Pyramid of Djoser, the oldest complete stone building complex in history. The pyramid's foundations stand upon an uneven rock surface, leading the builders to try to level the terrain by building terraces, some reaching ten metres high. The name Imhotep appears on a section of the complex's enclosure wall. While the name itself contains no titles and thus it is uncertain if this is the same architect that planned Djoser's Step Pyramid, the line of succession and similar architectural features suggest such a possibility.
The burial chamber of the pyramid is located underground, but it has never been excavated. Some scholars believe that the chamber is unfinished, while others believe that it was completed but looted in ancient times.


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