The Pyramid of Neferefre ( Unfinished Pyramid)

The Pyramid of Neferefre, also known as the Pyramid of Raneferef, is located at the ancient necropolis of Abu Sir, which is situated around 10 kilometers south of Saqqara in Egypt. This pyramid is one of the relatively smaller and lesser-known pyramids of Egypt.
Pharaoh Neferefre, whose full name was Neferefre Isi, was a ruler of the Old Kingdom's Fifth Dynasty. He reigned for a relatively short period, possibly around 8 to 9 years. His pyramid is believed to have been constructed during the 25th century BCE.
The Pyramid of Neferefre was originally planned to be a step pyramid but was later modified into a true pyramid with smooth sides, similar to the ones found at Giza. It is believed that Neferefre's untimely death might have caused the hasty alteration of the pyramid's design. Today, the Pyramid of Neferefre stands in ruins, and much of its casing stones have eroded over time. It is significantly smaller than the more famous pyramids at Giza, but its location at Abu Sir makes it an essential part of the historical pyramid complex in that area.
Archaeologists and historians continue to study the Pyramid of Neferefre to learn more about its construction, the reign of Pharaoh Neferefre, and the architectural and engineering techniques used during the Old Kingdom. However, due to its relatively remote location and its ruined state, it is not as popular or accessible to tourists as some of the other major pyramids in Egypt.


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